33 years

📊 Growth marketer passionate about process automation and acquisition issues.
💪 An entrepreneur at heart, I know how AB can quickly test and iterate processes to analyze relevant data and deploy what works.

🤙 Contact
► Full remote throughout France
► 06 95 60 68 60
► contact@j-web.fr
► https://fr.linkedin.com/in/jérôme-poyeton -
🤓 Languages spoken


Lycée Carrel in Lyon
June 2008
Results: 16/20
Very good mention
STG tray
‍High school
June 2010
Results: 12/20
Mention Fairly good
Master 1 - Finance and Development
ESCD 3A in Lyon
June 2014
Results: 19/20
Congratulations from the Jury


Data Analysis
📆 2024 (En cours)
Hubspot Academy
Sales Hub
📆 2023
Google Analytics
GA4 advanced
📆 2022
Le Robert
📆 2021
Growth Hacking
📆 2019
📆 2018


Le moyen que je préfère pour continuer d'apprendre est la lecture.
Voici les principaux livres que j'ai lu  sur l'entreprenariat et le marketing


The projects I worked on

Fondateur - COO
Responsable Process et Opérations
📆 2013-2018

Teclab est une société de réparation informatique et de vente de smartphones d'occasion que nous avons créée en 2013 avec un ami, animés par notre ambition de lutter contre l'obsolescence programmée.

> En savoir plus
CDI Part time
Growth Lead
📆 2018-2019

Optimiz.me est un logiciel SaaS dont la mission est de rendre le référencement naturel simple et accessible à tous en associant confiance et pédagogie au sein de logiciels simples à utiliser.

> En savoir plus
CDI Part time
Growth Lead
📆 2018-2019

Mazen est un logiciel SaaS qui permet de suivre en temps réel son positionnement SEO et d'optimiser ses pages en conséquence. (Projet annexe à Optimiz.me (même entreprise). J'ai géré le growth des 2 projets sur cette période)

> En savoir plus
Growth Ops - Automation
📆 2019-2021

MonCDI recruits people currently on temporary contracts (Interim, CDD) on a permanent basis while allowing them to continue working in their current company.

> Learn more
Lead Generation
📆 2021-2022

Prismea is a simple and autonomous business account for SMEs. The mobile application makes it easy to manage professional accounts.

> Learn more
Lead Generation
📆 2023-2024

Carbo is a startup that offers SaaS software that allows companies to carry out their carbon footprint online very easily.

> Learn more
Mission Freelance
Lead Generation SEO/SEA
📆 2023

TurmsNations est une application qui permet de se faire livrer des produits locaux par des particuliers lors de leurs voyages

> En savoir plus
Mission Freelance
Growth Hacker
📆 2022

GA Immobilier offers rental investment support in the Rhône-Alpes region.

Mission Freelance
Growth Hacker
📆 2022

Boldup is a platform to help women finally take control of their careers

Mission Freelance
📆 2023 - 2023

Bitrig is a company that offers the manufacture and installation of rigs for cryptocurrencies.

> Learn more
Mission Freelance
📆 2023 - 2023

Teclab-Boutique is the e-commerce part of the Teclab project. It is an independent project that offers the sale of computer products and accessories online.

> Learn more
Side Project
In creation
📆 2023 - 2023

Omu is a software that allows you to clone your voice in order to automate prospecting and relational marketing for companies.

> Learn more
Mission Freelance
Enseignant Growth
📆 2021

Inco Academy est un organisme de formation aux métiers du numérique qui forme toutes celles et ceux qui souhaitent travailler dans l’économie de demain.

Digital Marketing Trainer
📆 2019

ADIE is an association that finances, supports and advises entrepreneurs in the creation and development of their business.

Mastered tools

The main tools I've used in the last few years.
On the other hand, I am constantly on the lookout for new growth/marketing tools.
I am testing the new SaaS/CRM to stay up to date with what is being done.









Art in general
Je pratique depuis de nombreuses années.

🎸 Guitar: 10 years
🎛 MAO/Electro (DrumNBass) : 10 ans
🎹 Piano: 3 years
🎨 Painting: 3 years

🎸 Uematsu - To Zanarkand
🎸 Hisaishi - Laputa
🎸 Albéniz - Asturias
🎹 Satie - Gnossienne
🎹 Satie - Gymnopédies
🎹 Tiersen - Comptine d'un autre été

⬇️ Quelques tableaux réalisés dans le cadre de sessions peinture organisées par une amie sur Lyon ⬇️Paint n Drink Le principe est de reproduire un tableau connu en 1h30 de temps
🧆 en mangeant des tapas (et un cocktail) 🍹

(D'où le fait que certains ne soient pas finis 😬)

Matisse - Le chat aux poissons rouges (1912)
Gustav Klimt - Le baiser (1908)
Van Gogh - La nuit étoilée (1889)
Haring - Dance (1987)

Hallway noises

“Working with Jérôme was a real pleasure. He always has lots of ideas and always finds a way to do or automate things more quickly.”

Maylyn (BoldUp) - A delighted customer 🤩
“We worked together for more than 6 years, creating Teclab in 2013. Jérôme managed the marketing and acquisition of the company, from the start when we had little budget, until 2018 when he managed all the acquisition levers.”

Florian (Teclab) - A convinced partner 😊
“Jérôme helped us rethink our entire acquisition strategy to increase our number of customers. And the results were not long in coming. It was a pleasure working together!”

Anthony - A happy customer 🥳
"Le J c'est le S"

SCH - Artiste sous-côté 🎤